David Grimaldi - CEO Biography

A major financial turnaround, which ended a near decade streak of annual deficits thereby producing back-to-back years of surplus.
The first ever Comprehensive Economic Development Plan.
Comprehensive Ethics Reform, which requires all government officials to publicly disclose family members employed by, or receiving money from, New Castle County Government. It also requires all government officials complete mandatory annual ethics training.
The restructuring of nearly $200 million of debt, which saved county taxpayers $12 million in debt service payments
The Open Government Platform, which for the first time ever, listed all government spending on the government website.
Increasing the county-wide minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, to ensure all employees earned a livable wage
The first ever anti-nepotism policy, aimed at promoting a fairer and more professional work environment
“The Heroin Trap,” a marketing campaign which targeted at risk children, to counter the effects of Delaware’s heroin epidemic
Leading the County’s efforts in securing thousand of jobs with the expansion of JP Morgan, and the retention of Dupont spinoff Chemours.
The architect of a $15 million deal, with former NYSE CEO Richard Grasso and former UBS CEO Joseph Grano, to bring a new stock exchange to Wilmington Delaware.